十勝毎日新聞 電子版

Tokachi Mainichi News Web

The wonderful brightness of the jewelry ice

Chunks of ice glow in the morning sun. They are called "Jewelry Ice", and have been drawing a great deal of public attention.


 When the icy fog blanketed sea turns red in the morning sun, the ice turns into jewels. At the Tokachi river estuary in Otsu district, Toyokoro town on a cold winter day, I awaited the moment while enduring the painful chill. Suddenly, the ice chunks began shining together with the rising sun. Some pieces are beautiful like cut diamonds, others are sharp like broken glass. There are many variations, from fist sized to about 2 square meters. In the rushing waves, they collide with each other and make a beautiful "clink clink" sound.

 The ice chunks come from the frozen Tokachi river and are washed ashore at the beach by the wind. You can also see them at Toyokita Primeval Garden in Urahoro town.

 The ice chunks were known only to local photographers for many years. Hisashi Urashima, who runs an English academy in nearby Obihiro, named them "Jewelry Ice", and they became famous. Nowadays, even on weekdays, many tourists come from all over Japan to see them. This phenomenon, that has become the symbol of Tokachi's cold winters, only occurs from the middle of January to late February. The days in which you can see transparent ice are even more limited. The ice chunks quickly get covered with sand, and melt day by day.

The ice chunks cover the shore. If you are lucky, you might see big pieces of Jewelry Ice.

The ice came up to the beach. It shone once in the sunshine and was carried off again by the waves.

Ripples on the beach remain frozen by the cold.

Tourists with Jewelry Ice in their hands wait for sunrise. To witness this beautiful scene, you must endure the cold.

Mt. Rakko dyed red by the morning sun.

Icicles under the Jewelry Ice. Day by day they get covered with sand and begin to melt.

Uneven melting leaves a pattern. The Jewelry Ice looks as though it was scraped with a spoon.

Changing Color of ‘Jewels’ from Moment to Moment
Hisashi Urashima -The godfather of Jewelry Ice-

 The godfather of Jewelry Ice is Hisashi Urashima, the tourism ambassador of Toyokoro and the president of Joy English Academy in Obihiro. At this time of year, he heads to Ohtsu Beach in Toyokoro once or twice a week to take photos of the jewels which are changing day by day. These days, Jewelry Ice is getting a lot of attention as a tourism resource.

Q: Why did you give the name "Jewelry Ice" to the ice chunks on the beach?
U: Ohtsu Beach and its ice was a well-known photo destination for photographers in Tokachi. I was taken there six winters ago by my photographer friend, Yoshihiko Tobari, to shoot photos of the beach. However, the condition of the ice was not good. The next year, I visited there again and noticed how much the ice resembled jewelry. I instantly came up with the name "Jewelry Ice." In 2015, the name “Jewelry Ice” was introduced by the Toyokoro Town Hall Tourism Section via their website (http://www.toyokoro.jp/tourism/news/ ). I think that it helped raise the profile of this unusual phenimenon.

Q: Why does Jewelry Ice fascinate us?
U: The ice blocks are so beautiful in the morning glow and sunrise. To be exact, the color changes from blue to red and orange, and finally to light blue. There are many types of jewels which change their color to reflect the changes in light every day. This may be the only spot in the world to find this kind of ice. Jewelry Ice is one of the great treasures of Toyokoro.

Dawn is the best time to see.
Don't forget protection against the cold.

 If you are thinking about going to see the Jewelry Ice, early morning or evening is best. At dawn, you can see the sunrise clearly on the horizon. The ice lights up quickly in the morning sun, and this scene is popular with many photographers. The icy fog caused by the sea air covers the surroundings and makes a beautiful scene.

 Near dawn it gets very cold, so you need to protect yourself. A face mask is recommended. Camera battery voltage drops due to the cold, so keeping your spare battery warm is advisable. If your battery dies, you can't shoot.

 Although snow removal is done around the shore, the ground can be quite slippery. Furthermore, large waves can come unexpectedly, and you may get wet. Be careful!

・Article written by Hisashi Urashima : Northern Eyes #11 Jewelry Ice
・Article written by Hisashi Urashima : Northern Eyes #33 Jewelry Beach
・Article written by Hisashi Urashima : Northern Eyes #45 Hot Ice on the Beach


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